Sally Pim

Sally Pim

Monday, July 21, 2014

99 Days of Freedom

It sounds like a challenge for a charity. Or a bid to make a change to the lives of those bound in slavery, but no, 99 days of freedom is just an exciting title for what should be a simple challenge- staying off facebook for just over 3 months. It is an experiement set up to determine a persons happiness away from facebook. You can find out more about it here

I'm not one to shy away from a challenge, and after having a week feeling pretty convicted to spend less time on my phone, i decided to enter into this little experiement myself and did the unthinkable- logged out of facebook... 

Now this is not the act of a facebook hater. I can see incredible benefits to this site that connects and assists in maintaining relationships. Im already getting frustrated at losing this point of connection with people..
I do ask the question though- how healthy is it to spend a chunk of your day looking at peoples walls to find out their stories for the day- what they ate, where they went, who they caught up with..? I don't know but it almost sounds a little... stalkerish? 
And where do i rest my worth? I could say God but sometimes it feels more like its from the number of likes i get on my profile pic. 
Sorry to bring God into it, but we cant really exclude Him from facebook can we? even though it is just a virtual world, it's also another avenue to give Him the glory. And from what i shared in my last post, isn't that what our lives should be about?

So my challenge in these 99 days of 'freedom' is not to go on some facebook rant and encourage others to quit. Nor is it to unlock some secret to happiness and freedom. Nope, this is a personal choice that shows my weakness, and in this time i want to learn a way to use facebook better. 
Not to post to gain likes or boast about where i've been or what i do.  If my facebook page really is a window into my world then i want it to reflect Christ's love. Which means its got to be less about me and more about Him.  As i learn more about what this looks like i'll be sure to post it . Please feel free to share with me ways you healthily use facebook too! 

Ironically i'd usually post this blog on my facebook for people to read but today i cant, so who knows who will even read this, if anyone!

Peace out! 

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