Sally Pim

Sally Pim

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Adventures with the Cranes (and a Pim)

Today Hannah, Sam, Caleb, Josiah, Micah and I decided to go for a ‘little walk’ to the river…

After an hour we were making our way down a steep hill into the valley. Using our ‘Bear Grylls’ survival tactics (which we brush up on every Wednesday night) we tackled the highest grass I’d ever seen- following the narrowest dirt/clay track I’d ever been on….but these guys are pros! They led me through the thick scrub til we reached a beautiful stream. We stopped just long enough to cool down before climbing up the bank and following an even smaller trail, which led us to the pools (the nicest part of the river)! It was so beautiful! The water was lovely and cool and created a tiny waterfall as it cascaded down rocks into the area where we were resting.

Definitely worth the walk (and the walk back- involving climbing up the steep hill- which seemed much more like a mountain going up it!!)
The views were incredible and i couldn’t help but feel incredibly blessed that I got to experience this small part of God’s creation.

Enjoy the photos!

Sam and Jo leading the way to the valley

Stopping to give Boston a drink

No matter how steep a hill is- people still manage to find ways of growing their crops

Going through some tall grass

Made it!!!!

Rest time!

Caleb starting the journey back

Hannah tackling the hill with ease

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A week in Lichinga

It’s amazing to think that one-week has already past! And then at the same time, I feel like I’ve been here a lifetime!

The Beecks have made me truly feel a part of their family, inviting me over for dinner every night and taking me to the local markets and convenience stores.  Jack is teaching me ALL about footy and WOWing me with his awesome maths skills. It has been awesome having Matilda come visit me every morning at my house (situated behind the Beecks). Her enthusiasm and energy is contagious! Starting Monday I will be actively involved in looking after Jack, Matilda, Sydney, Rachel and Elijah, while the parents do their language lessons and get involved in the Lichinga culture. Kath has set up an awesome schedule for me so it looks like from 8-12pm I will be with the children (and assisting in teaching) and then the rest of the day is free to get involved in other things. The Cranes have a few things lined up for me during these times, and hopefully I will be getting language lessons as well!
On a drive with the Cranes outside Lichinga

So whats happened this past week? Well I have already made a friend in one of our guards- Andre. He only speaks Portuguese and I only speak English so our conversations are not deep, but we usually spend a good time pointing at objects and saying what they are called in each others languages. Already he has taught me the Portuguese terms for ‘house’, ‘car’, numbers up to 20, ‘trees’, ‘snakes’, ‘ball’… there’s not much else to point at in the back yard so I might have to bring out some photos soon to help expand the vocabulary!
We had a visit from a person trying to sell a monkey on Friday. It was rather surreal to have a monkey sitting in the backyard. As cute as it was I’ve decided I am definitely not a fan of those furry things!
Cam and Jonno are in the process of replacing my hot water system. My water has been out for a couple of days and the guys are being amazing at sorting the issue out! (I didn’t even know there was an issue to begin with!!)

I was lucky enough to take part in the youth group held on Friday night. I led the devotion which was super scary but God got me through it! It was so inspiring to be around a bunch of kids who have made the choice to follow Jesus. These guys are in unique situations and yet they still face so many of the issues kids (and adults) back in Oz do. Their faith is so encouraging and they were so open to sharing which was so refreshing to see! It made me realize how important it is to share your struggles and experiences with others- because so often that’s when we learn!

Well I am sorry that this is super long! Even though I haven’t been able to contact many people (due to lack of reception, time and internet) please know I really appreciate your prayers and support! It is really helping!

Here are some praise points:

God is good and overcomes fear! He has shown me this in many ways this past week!

The way the Holy Spirit is working in people’s lives- both the Yao people and the GIA team in Lichinga.

Praise God for helping me to feel at home in my special house. It is fully set up and feels very homely and comfortable!

For the friendships developed and refreshed this past week. The Cranes and Beecks have accepted me into their families and it’s really helped me settle into life here.

Prayer Points:

 Ayla is a young teacher who is heading out to Lichinga soon! She will be teaching the Beeck (and probably other) children but needs to get her support up before she can book tickets to come. At the moment the parents are having to be the teachers and although I have seen them excel at it, they have other things to do here. Ayla will be a real blessing to these families and so it’d be great to pray that she gets her support up quickly! (it’d be awesome to have her here while I’m still around!!!) And also that as she prepares (her commitment is 2 years) God will give her strength and courage as she takes this huge step in faith.

That I adapt quickly to the routine set out. I’ve never done much in the way of teaching before and although Kath and Cam will be doing the majority of it, I want to be able to assist in any way I can to make it easier on them.

Thank you for reading and sharing this journey with me!

My house!
Tilly's wonderful decorating skills!

Slightly scared of the monkey

Monday, May 7, 2012

I made it!

Well im here in Lichinga, Mozambique! I was welcomed in Blantyre by the wonderful Crane family- it was great to see them again and they were very welcoming. We spent the night in a guest house and then went on the long road trip to Lichinga. I even got proposed to twice along the way!

8 or so hours later and we made it to the Beecks!! Its so good to see them again!!! Kath had been working hard to get my house in order- it looks great and i feel very much at home! Im looking forward to an awesome week settling into this new life!

I dont always have the net or phone access but i'll keep you updated when i can!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We're all in this together!

One more sleep til i hop on a plane Africa bound! How exciting is that?!

I'll be at the airport from about 8:30/9pm tomorrow if anyone wants to say goodbye- at the usual spot- Dome :)

This past weekend has really shown me that we are all in this together- and i'm not just talking about my trip- im talking about our lives and our purpose here. Its encouraging to know that we can be a part of others journeys in different ways.
It's been humbling and amazing to have so many people come up to me and tell me they're praying for my journey! Thank you so much to everyone for your prayers and support! God's certainly hearing those prayers because he's filling me with a joy and peace!

Praise Points:
God is a God of hope- who is giving me joy and peace at this time.

God has given me this opportunity to serve Him in this way and has met my needs- through very generous friends and family.

Prayer Points:
That any fear or anxiety goes away and doesnt impede on my enjoying these next few days of travelling

That my luggage (and myself) gets to Malawi safely and in tact!

That we get through the Moz/Malawi border ok!

Lookin forward to writing from Africa :)